The EU renewal of glyphosate requires the submission of a high-quality regulatory dossier to meet all standard regulatory requirements and provisions stipulated by EC Regulation 884/2012.

The Glyphosate Renewal Group feels it is critical to also address key societal concerns as part of the regulatory dossier. Going beyond what is typically evaluated by authorities as regulatory data requirements, these additions provide more context and perspective on the contribution of glyphosate, as a sustainable weed control option, to Integrated and Diversified Weed Management in agriculture and non-agricultural uses. More specifically, it is regularly suggested that non-chemical weed control alternatives can easily replace glyphosate.

A literature review of non-chemical alternatives gives a critical view on the performance and consistent efficacy of existing or new solutions to control weeds when compared to glyphosate.

Independent academic weed scientists and agronomists share their perspective on the value of glyphosate in controlling some specific recognized weed problems. The control of invasive species like Japanese knotweed as well as weeds with a developed root system like Couch or Johnson grass are used as relevant and representative case-studies.

An academic expert perspective is shared on conservation agriculture, a farming practice aimed to conserve and protect the soil by avoiding tillage and by using cover crops that sequester carbon, nitrogen and other elements. This recognized agro-ecological practice has potential to mitigate soil erosion, CO2 emission and positively contribute to soil water conservation, soil fertility and soil biodiversity but relies on the efficient broad-spectrum systemic weed control that glyphosate provides.

In non-agriculture areas such as railways, glyphosate spray applications in combination with modern weed detection system play an important time and cost-efficient maintenance role safeguarding the integrity of tracks and therefore the safety of the railway operations.

Glyphosate’s potential impact as well as contribution to biodiversity is thoroughly discussed in the registration dossier which integrates above discussed elements, to demonstrate its rightful place within integrated and diversified sustainable weed control systems.