Renewal Assessment Reports
The glyphosate draft Renewal Assessment Report (dRAR) is the comprehensive outcome of the first step of the scientific evaluation for the renewal of approval in the EU. For more details please refer to the Assessment Group on Glyphosate’s (AGG) summary document available on their websites.
The risk assessment for active substances is carried out by the competent authorities of the Member States and by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). This process is formalised and based on scientific methods as laid down in the applicable guidance documents and scientific opinions of EFSA.
The dRAR and Harmonized Classification and Labelling report (CLH-report) for glyphosate prepared jointly by the AGG are starting points for an EU-wide consultation and peer review procedure managed by EFSA and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), respectively.
On June 15th, 2021, a dRAR and a CLH dossier were sent to EFSA and ECHA who published the reports and launched public consultations on 23 September in line with their respective regulatory frameworks.
On 22 November 2021, the EFSA and ECHA 60-day public consultations on the draft Renewal Assessment Report (dRAR) for glyphosate were closed.
During the consultations, applicants, Member States, and the public, including all interested parties, were invited to submit comments on the assessment report produced by the AGG.
You can access the results via EFSA and ECHA websites.
The dRAR documents are the basis for providing science-based comments, and these documents are available at the EFSA and ECHA websites for download. The dRAR documents are also provided here, for transparency and easy access.