Authority Communication

On this page you will find copies of the correspondence between the Glyphosate Renewal Group and regulatory authorities involved in the process to renew the EU authorisation of glyphosate. Regular communication between the parties involved is a normal practice of regulatory processes. Sometimes exchanges in writing are needed to provide clarifications without waiting for formal meetings. In line with its commitment to transparency, the Glyphosate Renewal Group will disclose the correspondence with the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG) and other regulatory authorities.

Position paper (Dutch Parliament discussion)

Ahead of the debate on Crop Protection Products on 14 May 2024 in the Agriculture Committee of the Dutch Parliament, the Glyphosate Renewal Group (GRG) has prepared a position paper. As part of our commitment to transparency, the position paper is made public on the GRG website.

GRG Comments on the final EFSA conclusions

The GRG submitted its comments on the final EFSA conclusions.

A list of studies to be generated

On 2 June 2021 the AGG provided, on request by the GRG, a “list of studies to be generated” as identified in the draft Renewal Assessment Report (dRAR) of glyphosate. The list is part of the dRAR Volume 1 document that will be made available to the public at the beginning of the commenting period, presumably beginning of September 2021

Authority Fees for the Scientific Evaluation of the Glyphosate Renewal Dossier

This text summarizes the authority fees applicable for the scientific evaluation of the glyphosate renewal dossier. The Glyphosate Renewal Group (GRG) as the applicant for this renewal considers an overview of authority fees of interest in the frame of maximum transparency. The below summarized information is based on communication that was kindly provided by the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG) to the GRG.

GRG letter to competent authorities informing about glyphosate consultation

EFSA and ECHA announced (EFSA announcement, ECHA announcement) that they will launch parallel consultations on the Renewal Assessment Report (RAR) and the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) report on glyphosate by 24 September 2021. All interested parties will be able to contribute to the ongoing scientific assessment by submitting comments and information. The consultation will remain open for 60 days.

GRG Reply on ANSES Request for Testing Material

GRG answer to ANSES France request for sourcing glyphosate active substance and request for further information concerning the ANSES study plan on characterization of glyphosate carcinogenic potential.

GRG/AGG Letter Exchange Regarding Dossier Admissibility

On 18 August 2020, the regulatory authorities from France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden, forming the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG), informed the Glyphosate Renewal Group (GRG) that the scientific dossier on glyphosate, submitted by GRG in June, is complete and admissible. The AGG will initiate now the science-based evaluation of glyphosate safety.

GRG/AGG Letter Exchange Regarding Potential Impact of COVID

GRG/AGG letter exchange regarding potential impact of covid-19 pandemic on glyphosate renewal dossier preparation and submission timeline.

The GRG Transparency Initiative

The GRG has proposed to make the 2020 glyphosate renewal dossier and the new study reports publicly available and has invited EFSA to join this initiative.