On Monday, 8 June 2020, the Glyphosate Renewal Group submitted the scientific dossier, respecting the deadline for submission, 15 June 2020, as foreseen by the European Plant Protection Regulation, in view of a new evaluation and risk assessment of the active substance glyphosate. This dossier is essential within the regulatory process to seek the renewal of the EU authorisation of glyphosate by the end of 2022.

The objective of the dossier is to provide EU authorities with the scientific facts needed to prove that glyphosate does not pose a risk to human health and the environment when used in accordance with the label instructions.

To enable this risk assessment by competent authorities, the submitted dossier contains approximately 1,500 scientific studies, out of which approx. 100 are new. They cover the first glyphosate submission in the EU (1998), the first renewal of the EU authorisation (2017) and the current 2020 submission.

The dossier also includes a comprehensive literature review of around 12,000 published scientific articles on glyphosate that have been evaluated for relevance and reliability.

In addition, the GRG has submitted supplementary data and evidence of the positive impact glyphosate can have on biodiversity. Glyphosate is an integral part of Integrated Weed Management (IWM) and no-till farming practices (no soil disruption by ploughing), which help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve more land for native habitats, and to provide enough food to meet the needs of a growing population worldwide.

As part of our transparency commitment, the Glyphosate Renewal Group will soon make available on its  website  the submitted  scientific dossier, following GDPR rules (personal and confidential information will not be disclosed), allowing  free and unrestricted access to anyone interested in its content.

The scientific dossier has been submitted to the Assessment Group on Glyphosate (AGG),composed of the regulatory bodies of France, Sweden, Hungary and the Netherlands. With this submission, AGG can initiate the science-based evaluation process of glyphosate and asses its safety for human health and the environment. Find more information on the next steps below and a full description of the authorisation process here.

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